Sunday, January 08, 2006

Group VBS Picture

This is a picture of the children that attended VBS at the Foundation. This was our final day of Bible school and the children were waving to show off their new gloves. We will miss them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I have been following your travels since you left. Sorry, I haven't sent any comments. I'm not sure how you ended up in Romania--I don't remember you mentioning this mission trip last time we spoke. I have, however, learned to expect amazing things from you. You have come a long way since our first conversation the first or second night of Ministry classes. Your confidence in the Lord, and in what he can do through you, has greatly increased! You have dedicated yourself to knowing God and the Bible, all the while serving in any way possible.

Your kids here look great! I am remembering you all in my prayers. I pray that your time there will bear much fruit! Have a safe and speedy trip home. See you sometime soon!

The peace of God be with you all,
